In Memory - Dr. Rex Ricketts March 21, 1941 - July 7, 2024 |
Rex Errol Ricketts Obituary
It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of Dr. Rex E. Ricketts on July 7, 2024,
at the age of 83. Rex was a revered educator and a pillar in his community and the agriculture
industry. A long-time resident of Hallsville and a cherished University of Missouri professor
emeritus of animal science, Rex left an indelible mark on the world around him. |
Summer Field Day
2024 Missouri Holstein
Field Day
Everyone is Welcome - Bring a Neighbor!
The Hostetler's of Miller, MO previously had a Holstein dairy, but 13 years ago
sold out and started a dromindary camel farm. They currently milk around 35 cows.
The Hostetler's pasteurize, bottle and ship all of their milk.
Hump-Back Dairy
Region 7 board member, Dwight Rokey,
Kansas, has served two terms on the Holstein Association Board of Directors. Therefore, Dwight is ineligible
for re-election to the board. Region 7 consists of Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahmoa, Texas and
New Mexico. Two members have declated their candidacy from this region seeking the
Region 7 position on the Holstein Board of Directors:
Alfred Brandt, Missouri and
Scott Wilson, MO
This year's convention is
to be held in Salt Lake City, UT.
How to contact your
Missouri Representatives: If you want to contact your delegates regarding issues that
you feel are important and need to be discussed feel free to contact them at the
numbers below.
State Fair 2024
Exhibitors interested in competing at the Missouri State Fair will now be able to access
new online entry and payment options, and online registration for the vendor input form.
Conjunction with Missouri Dairy Cow Camp
2023 Heifer Tag Sale!
Our fourth year hosting the All-Breeds
tag sale saw an outstanding lineup of
Holsteins, Red and White Holsteins,
Guernsey, Jersey, Brown Swiss and this
year Milking Shorthorn. The kids did a
great job breaking to lead the heifers and
getting them ready to show. With a large
group of youth from a middle school FFA
this year we had to enlist some help from
a few adults and older youth to polish
up the heifers for photos and videos.
A special thank you to: Molly Archer,
Libby Shaver, Addison Tharp, Lora
Wright, Ellie Wantland, Whitney Yerina,
Larry Wright and Kenny Deaver for all
of their hard work. I appreciate everyone
coming together to make the three events
a success: Cow Camp, the Tag Sale and
the Youth All-Breeds Heifer Show.
Show Results
classified in May. The association had some computer trouble and we will have
state compilation lists next month.
Summer 2024 PULSATOR!
IT'S A CONTEST: The Pulsator magazine is sponsoring our Photo Contest again. So dust off those
cameras or go back in your files and submit your best! You could be on the cover of the Pulsator!
Items featured in Newsletter
Women In Dairy
June Dairy Month - Meet your FarmHER
Dairy Margin Program
Late fee applies after April 15!
All Membership Dues = $50 (Farm and Associate).
Three options to pay your Membership: Missouri
Holstein Association For questions or
more information, email
If you need a Missouri
state member's phone, email Scholarship Listings
Dairy Shrine Scholarships
http://www.dairyshrine.org FFA Scholarships
http://www.ffa.org Groves-View Dairy
Missouri Dairy Hall of Honors:
http://www.modairyhallofhonors.com/ Missouri Dairy:
http://www.modairy.org Dairy Agenda Today:
http://www.dairyagendatoday.com Farms.com Classifieds-Post and search for everything farm related: livestock, feed and used equipment
http://www.farms.com/classifieds MU Extension Monthly Newsletter
We would like to link our Missouri
Holstein Members that have a webpage of their own to the Missouri
Holstein Page. Would you like to have your page
linked up with ours? Contact Jodi Wright through the feedback form and
I'll explain how it will work. We'd love to have everyone listed. There
is no cost to you for this
service. President Vice
President Secretary/Treasurer Director at
Large Pulsator Editor Mid-States Editor National Director Holstein Field Representative
If you would like
more information on the following:
Please email
your request for information to the following email. Include the items you are interested
in, your name, address, phone, and email.
jwright@missouriholstein.com All
Right Reserved 2004-2024 Missouri Holstein Association
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