See you this weekend
and Bring a cornhole board and let's have some fun!
Register at the link below.

** January 24-25, 2025**
Oasis Hotel & convention Center, Springfield, MO

REGISTRATION FORM - Click here to Register for Convention and meals

Click below for Holstein Convention Schedule

Details and registration form will be listed in the Pulsator Magazine. Here are the events that are planned for Friday & Saturday

SCHEDULE, Friday, January 24

  • 5:00 PM MO Holstein Princess/Miss Interviews
  • 5:30 PM MHA Committee Meetings:
             Juniors, Finance, Awards, Nominating, Show
  • 6:00 PM Silent Auction Begins
  • 6:30 PM Missouri Dairy meal
  • 7:00 PM All Breeds Awards Banquet
  • 7:30 PM All-Breeds Cornhole Fundraising Tournament

SCHEDULE, Saturday, January 25

  • 9:00 AM Missouri Holstein Board of Directors Meeting
  • 9:00 AM Missouri Junior Holstein Association (MHA) Speech Contest
  • 10:00 AM Missouri Junior Association Annual Meeting
  • 10:30 AM Missouri Holstein Association Annual Meeting

Click image below to enlarge

Click image below to enlarge


Missouri Dairy Hall of Honor Awards:
Awards Presentation January 31, 2025, Columbia, MO

Meritorious Service Award - Dr. Stacey Hamilton, Greenfield

Distinguished Dairy Cattle Breeder Award - James & Novalee Coats, Mtn Grove

Dairy Leadership Award
Jon Bebermeyer, Kansas City; Marilyn Calvin, Mt. Vernon

Pioneer Award - Mike Wilson, Diamond

Congratulations to all of this year's winners!
Want to nominate someone deserving to the Dairy Hall of Honors? Applications due October 31.


Would you like to know more about or enter the 2027 Futurity?

Do you have a nice young calf that is out of one of your good cow families? Do you think she might turn out to be a good cow someday? Well the Sho-Me Holstein Futurity is for YOU!

The Missouri Holstein Futurity consists of a one-time entry fee of $25 when calves are nominated and the cattle will be shown as Three-Year Olds.

All of the money collected for entry fees is split between the cattle shown the final year on a percentage basis. All of the extra money raised each year from donors is divided equally among all the entrants that show in the futurity.

So, if you have some heifers that were born between September 1, 2023 and August 31, 2024 then click on the 2027 3-Yr-Old Futurity Form below. check back for form. Entries will be due February 1, 2025. Print form and submit all entries and monies by FEBRUARY 1, 2025.

If you have any questions or would like me to mail you a form just fill out the request for information form at the bottom of the page.


2027 3 Yr Old Futurity Form (print on legal paper)
for heifers born Sept. 1, 2023 to Aug. 31, 2024

You will need Acrobat reader to view Futurity forms. You can download a free copy from Adobe Reader


Spring 2025 PULSATOR - Deadline approaching!

Expanded Midwest Edition for MARCH
Missouri is once again participating in the Midwest Holsteins issue. This exciting issue includes a center section featuring advertisers and happenings from the following states: Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa AND Missouri! There will be lots of spring sales, so be sure to advertise your consignments. Plan ahead and get your ad in by FEB 10!
Shannon, Jenna and Jodi

NEXT AD DEADLINE - February 10!
This issue will be a Midwest Holsteins issue, highlighting all the spring sales and activities.

Flip through magazine with arrows. Click bottom right [] to enlarge or download pdf below
To view the Winter 2024 Pulsator PDF Click here


USDA announces Final Rule on FMMO modernization

This week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the Final Rule to modernize all 11 Federal Milk Marketing Orders (FMMO) has been approved through the producer referendum process and will go into effect June 1, 2025, with the exception of the component standards change which is delayed until Dec. 1, 2025.

For more than two years, we have been involved in the comprehensive, industry-wide initiative to modernize the FMMO system. Our strategy to work with National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) and the broader dairy industry was successful in incorporating the majority of NMPF’s proposals.

Included in the Final Rule:
• Returning to the higher of Class I mover
• Increasing the Class I differentials across the United States
• Eliminating barrel cheddar cheese prices from the determination of the Class III price
• Updating the milk component tests to determine class prices
o Implementation will be delayed until Dec. 1
• Updating manufacturing cost allowances

More information regarding the Final Rule can be found on the USDA website

In Memory - Donald J Brandt
September 28, 1942 - December 7, 2024

Don Brandt - Swan Creek Holsteins

Donald John Brandt, age 82, of Linn, passed away Saturday evening, December 7, 2024, at his home. Don was born September 28, 1942, in Freeburg, to Alfred and Josepha (Reinkemeyer) Brandt. He was married on August 14, 1965, to Christy Marie Thomeczek, who survives at the home. Don was the fifth generation to live on the Brandt Dairy Farm, which was established in 1840.

Don attended St. George School in Linn, and Fatima High School in Westphalia. He was active in 4-H and FFA during his young years. Don had to take on an adult role at an early age when his father was killed on the farm by a dairy bull. Don was twelve at the time, the oldest boy in the family with an older sister and four younger brothers and a younger sister. His mother was pregnant with his youngest sister at the time of the accident. The family continued to farm, milking cows to support the family. He became a state FFA officer in 1960, the first state officer in the Fatima chapter. He earned the American Farmer Degree in the fall of 1963, one of only eleven young men in the state to do so.

Besides running a successful dairy farm for 43 years, Don remained active in many other organizations. He was a life-long member of St. George Parish in Linn where he served on the Parish Council numerous times, including when the church was built. He and Christy were members of the Osage Squares, a square-dancing group, in Linn. They were also named Young Cooperators of the Mid-Am Dairy Coop in 1972 and served three years in that organization. This gave Don and his wife the opportunity to travel to the National Milk Producer conventions, held in New York, San Francisco, and Miami Beach, as well as other places. He also served as a state officer of the Missouri Young Farmers organization and was a chairperson of the State Tour held in Linn in 1981. At the time of his death, he was a board member and past president of the Osage County Historical Society and had volunteered many hours fixing things and with the monthly mailing. He was also the Chairman of the Board of Freedom Mutual Insurance Company for many years. Don was a long-time member of the Knights of Columbus and a Fourth-Degree member of the Monsignor Kutz Assembly in Westphalia.

Don also had many hobbies, including playing his guitar with the Jammers, a country music group that meets weekly. He enjoyed making toys out of junk from around the farm and his shop. The toys include tractors, a steam engine, a bulldozer, pickup trucks, and other farm equipment. He got his great-grandfather’s broom machine from the old house, brought it home, and figured out how to get it to work. He made several brooms with it and enjoyed telling about it. He loved to cut grass but not work in the garden! Other hobbies include Sudoku, putting together puzzles, and watching Gunsmoke and Andy Griffith on TV. He enjoyed the St. Louis Cardinals and the Kansas City Chiefs. He enjoyed family history and all things farm-related. He also liked seeing his sons work together on the farm. He enjoyed watching his grandchildren and going to their sports activities. He was good at making ponhaus and liked to give it to others.

In addition to his wife of 59 years, Don is survived by his six children: Julie Andrews of Dardenne Prairie, Alfred Brandt (Sonya) of Linn, Jeana Havlovic (DeLayne) of Omaha, NE, Mark Brandt (April) of Linn, Paul Brandt (Courtney) of Linn, and Rick Brandt (Keriann) of Monroe City; 13 grandchildren: Katie Andrews, Luke Andrews (Kayla), Megan Andrews, Kelsey Shoop (Alec), Lindsey Brandt, Zachary Havlovic, Joshua Havlovic, Sam Brandt, Elyse Brandt, Adalyn Brandt, Amelia Brandt, Casen Brandt, and Daylin Brandt; one great-grandchild, Jack Shoop. Don’s seven siblings and spouses: Joan Backes (Hubert), Inge Brandt, Joe Brandt (Darlene), Tom Brandt (Betty), Ralph Brandt (Phyllis), Caroline Pearon (Donnie), and Janet Carder (Jim) along with many nieces, nephews and friends.

In addition to his parents, Don was preceded in death by one brother, Richard Brandt. Services were held at St. George Catholic Church in Linn. In lieu of flowers, expressions of sympathy may be made to St. George Parish or to the Osage County Historical Society.

Condolences may be sent to to 269 Swan Creek Lane, Linn, MO 65051.


Dairy Margin Program

USDA’s Farm Service Agency announced the 2025 enrollment period for DMC from Jan. 29 to March 31

See the full USDA announcement

USDA Dairy Margin Coverage Program - 2024
Rates for 2024:
- January Rate: 8.48. Payment if buying $9.50 Insurance = $1.02 per cwt
- February Rate: 9.44. Payment if buying $9.50 Insurance = $0.06 per cwt
- March Rate: 9.65. Over the $9.50 threshold - no payment
- April Rate: 9.60. Over the $9.50 threshold - no payment
- May Rate: 10.52. Over the $9.50 threshold - no payment
- June Rate: 11.66. Over the $9.50 threshold - no payment
- July Rate: 12.33. Over the $9.50 threshold - no payment
- August Rate: 13.72. Over the $9.50 threshold - no payment
- September Rate: 15.57. Over the $9.50 threshold - no payment
- October Rate: 15.17. Over the $9.50 threshold - no payment
- November Rate: 14.29. Over the $9.50 threshold - no payment


Late fee applies after April 15!

Must submit prior to June 1 for Association awards

All Membership Dues = $50 (Farm and Associate).

Junior only members (no adult membership with them) are encouraged to pay an additional $30.00 Pulsator Subscription fee.

Additional members per farm prefix are still $25.00


1. Membership dues per Farm/Prefix (includes Pulsator Subscription) = $50
2. Pulsator Magazine Subscription (for associate members or jr only
       members or additional magazines) = $30
3. Additional Members / Prefix = $25 each
4. Associate Members = $50
5. Junior Members = $5 each
6. Mid-States Holstein News (additional) = $5
7. PayPal convenience fee = $4

Click on Membership Card below to print pdf


Three options to pay your Membership:
1. Download, Print & Mail Form - click here
2. Pay through PayPal. Must add $4 per transaction service fee.
Please request PayPal invoice.
Email for an invoice
3. OR Submit free through Venmo @Missouri-Holstein.

Please send completed forms and a check payable
to Missouri Holstein Association to:

Missouri Holstein Association
Jodi Wright, Secretary/Treasurer
11449 Lawrence 2220
Verona, MO 65769

For questions or more information, email



If you need a Missouri state member's phone, email
or address click on the link below.

2023 Missouri Membership List - By District



January 24-25 State Convention, Oasis Convention Center, Springfield
REGISTRATION FORM - Click here to Register for Convention and meals

January 24, 7:00 PM Awards Presentation Dinner

January 24, 7:30 PM Cornhole Tournament Entry for $40 / team

January 25, 10:30AM State Convention Meeting

January 31 MO Dairy Hall of Honors meeting and awards presentation, Columbia

February 1 2027 MO Holstein Futurity Entries Due

February 10 March Pulsator Deadline

Mid March Southern National Entry Deadline

April 1 Junior Dick Little Essay Contest Deadline

April 6-10 Southern National Holstein & Jersey Show, Stillwater, OK

April 15 Cow Camp Entry Deadline

End of May Cow Camp and MO Heifer Tag Sale

July Classification for Missouri

Scholarship Listings

Dairy Shrine Scholarships

FFA Scholarships

Groves-View Dairy

Missouri Dairy Hall of Honors:

Missouri Dairy:

Dairy Agenda Today: Classifieds-Post and search for everything farm related: livestock, feed and used equipment

MU Extension Monthly Newsletter

We would like to link our Missouri Holstein Members that have a webpage of their own to the Missouri Holstein Page. Would you like to have your page linked up with ours? Contact Jodi Wright through the feedback form and I'll explain how it will work. We'd love to have everyone listed. There is no cost to you for this service.


Scott Wilson

Vice President
John Schoen

Jodi Wright
11449 Lawrence 2220
Verona, MO 65769

Director at Large
Shannon Kleiboeker


Pulsator Editor
Shannon Kleiboeker
17077 Lawrence 1030
Wentworth, MO 64873

Mid-States Editor
Kate Geppert
4728 Co Rd 240
Kingdom City, MO 65262


National Director
Alfred Brandt
269 Swan Creek Lane
Linn, MO 65051

Holstein Field Representative
Jason Ewing


If you would like more information on the following:

  • Cattle Available to Sell
  • Cattle Wanted to Buy
  • Consign cattle to State Sale
  • Request catalog for State Sale
  • Advertising in Mid-States Publication
  • Subscribing to Mid-States Publication
  • Senior Membership
  • Junior Membership
  • Show Entry forms
  • Information on Missouri Sho-Me Futurity
  • Want to advertise on Breeders Page on our website
  • Would like to link farm to Missouri Website
  • Other

Please email your request for information to the following email. Include the items you are interested in, your name, address, phone, and email.


All Right Reserved 2004-2024 Missouri Holstein Association

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